Empowering Minds International "EMI" seeks to raise awareness to mental health issues and supports the construction and operation of facilities and social programs in Kenya, East Africa that will enable Empowering Minds International meet the goals set out in our Mission Statement.
Key initiatives that are the focus of EMI include Mental Health outreach services for the community with emphasis on helping the poor. Services include but are not limited to, Therapy for victims of sexual and domestic violence, In-Home Therapy, Individual Therapy and Group Therapy. These services are made available to the broader community with a focus on the marginalized population including those suffering from substance abuse, the elderly and the disabled. The activities of EMI are primarily conducted by volunteers in the United States and a small administrative/field staff and volunteers in Kenya. Local social workers and counselors in Kenya will be Key to the long term success of EMI. The activity is managed by the Executive Director and supported by a Board of Directors who provide fiduciary, strategic and generative governance.
Activities are conducted in the Kansas City area and in the Naivasha, Gilgil and Maai Mahiu areas of Kenya. Recipients of EMI's support are mainly very low income individuals and families.
Women's Shelters
EMI provides ongoing support for the completion and ongoing operations of Agatha Amani House (AAH). The initial phase of EMI's activity is centered in the Naivasha and surrounding regions in Kenya offering support for the ongoing operations of Agatha Amani House, a grass roots safe home for sexual and domestic violence victims. It is the first safe home of its kind in the country where abused women can seek shelter for an extended period of time and receive psychosocial support and skills training for re-entry into society independently from the abusive situation that brought them to the shelter in the first place. AAH is registered as a Charitable Trust in Kenya and clearly meets the tenants set out in our mission statement. EMI plans to form strategic partnerships with other organizations as well.
Future Work
Future work will include a Mobile Clinic, Community Clinic and Out Patient Treatment Services.
Past Projects
Your Support is Important
We strive to provide mental health services and empower women, families and communities so they can escape poverty to live purposeful, sustainable and independent lives.